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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 6, 2022

How to size a transformer

Hình ảnh
Electrical transformers are basic equipment in the power grid. When an electrical device fails, it may be from a problem of the transformer. You must be sure that you have  sized the transformer  so as not to ruin that particular piece of equipment.  Sizing a transformer  is an easy task once you understand the nomenclature or language used. There is no hidden code on the transformer, just the abbreviations. Access Link to know:  https://vietnamtransformer.com/our-news/how-to-size-a-transformer-mbt-electric-jsc

Dry-type transformer - All you need to know

Hình ảnh
  DRY-TYPE TRANSFORMER  1. What is dry type transformer? The  dry-type transformer  is a completely stationary solid-state device and it requires less maintenance to provide service with few failures. This transformer does not contain any moving parts. Unlike liquid-filled transformers, this transformer uses only high-temperature insulation as they are very environmentally safe. These transformers provide a stable and safe source of electricity without the need for a fire pit, which would otherwise emit harmful gases. 2. Difference between dry-type and oil-type transformers There are two types of transforms that are being used:  Dry-types transformes  and oil-filled transformers (Also known as oil-immersed transformers, liquid filled transformers). They serve the same purpose, but have major differences of  construction. These differences make certain types of transformers are better for certatin situations.    COOLING MEDIUM A cooling medium...